Designing the Introduction

Sat, Feb 29, 2020

Talking about what we do can be challenging, for so many reasons. But introductions present crucial opportunities to invite people into our work, to find new collaborators, to have interesting conversations, and to showcase the most compelling and meaningful parts of what we do and why we do it.

Designing the Introduction

The following materials were designed to be used in a facilitated workshops on designing your introductions. They can be used to think through how you might think differently about your own introduction, and can be used individually, with a partner, or with your organization. We would love to hear about your experience using these materials; please send us your thoughts!


We are releasing our materials for your use with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International license. You can read the terms of the license here.

Cards Download (pdf)

Slides View in Google Slides

Change Log

VERSION 1.0.0 The presentation and cards were initially devised at the Relating Systems Thinking and Design Symposium in Chicago in October 2019 and prototyped for the first time during a workshop with design undergraduates at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.